New Year’s Resolution

Last year’s resolution went so well I decided to give it another try.

This year I’m getting rid of all our crap. Every two weeks Rob and I are going to pick a room and everything that is in that room but does not have a particular place is going to be put in a box. That box is going to go to the basement.

Two weeks later when we do the second room’s box we’ll go through the previous box and either donate things, or find a new place for them. Then whatever is left in the box is going to be taped shut and will sit until next December. If we do not break the seal of the tape on the box it will be taken to goodwill with out being opened. We didn’t look for it in a whole year, we don’t need it.

Today we did the kitchen. Our box has a drip coffee maker (we make french press daily), a baby monitor, dog stuff, and other odds and ends. We also tossed a grocery bag of trash. We have one clean room to show for it.

We even organized the junk drawer. I can’t believe how easily it closes now. If you happened to receive Melissa and Doug toys for Christmas this year, they little wooden trays make awesome drawer organizers. Recycling (or at least reusing) at it’s most stress-relieving!

2 Responses to “New Year’s Resolution”

  1. 1 Ellie January 2, 2008 at 12:13 am

    being 9 months pregnant, I’ve had similar projects go on at my house and it is SO refreshing. I love knowing where everything is. It is nice to not have to waste so much time looking for it.

    Did you take a picture of Deacon’s present? I think you should talk about it on your blog. If you want me to take one for you, I’d be happy to! We’re excited to use it, he’s starting to get more into “make believe” so this will be fun for him.

    Yay for toys that don’t need batteries and don’t take up too much space too!

  2. 2 devona January 2, 2008 at 2:14 am

    Ellie, I would love to have a picture of that. I forgot to take one before I sent it. I made one for Evelyn, too, but the colors on Deacon’s are really fabulous.

    The girls liked playing with it like it was a house. It is really good for open ended play.

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